Barbie Tingz (Explicit) - Nicki Minaj (妮琪·米娜)
Written by:Chevi Music/Nicki Minaj
Producer:Chevi Music
Dem dem dem dem dem dem
Dem dem dem dem
Dem dem dem dem dem dem
Dem dem dem dem
Uh I'm in my prime Optimus
我正处于巅峰状态 我像擎天柱那样
Sagittarius so you know I'm an optimist
我是射手座 因此你该知道我是个乐天派
Man keep it all real I'm a prophetess okay
伙计 别搞什么把戏 我可是位女先知
So at least you took an L off your bucket list bucket list
至少在你的遗愿清单上 你不能是个失败者
It's time to make hits and it's time to diss
是时候发行新曲 震撼全场 回击他们
How you still dissing still can't find some hits Okay
听说你还在绞尽脑汁地攻击我 但你还是没办法红起来
Was it worth it dummy I ain't mind a bit
你这样做值得吗 蠢货 我对此毫不在意
Still on that show getting no chips time to dip
你还在那个节目上哗众取宠 趁早滚开
I I I I I I I I okay
我 我 我 好吧
I'm still fly just bagged a white guy okay
我照样振翅高飞 我还搞定了一个白人
Ritchie like Guy and I still eat Thai
Guy Ritchie吹嘘着自己有多富有 而我依然吃着廉价美味的泰国菜
Want the Nicki cheat code Come on b**ch nice try
想像我一样过着率性的生活吗 少来 ** 想得美
Let's be real all you b**ches wanna look like me
让我们打开天窗说亮话吧 你们这些**们都想像我这样
Wanna be in demand get booked like me
想要像我一样被全世界需要 档期排得满满的
Wanna run up in the lab and cook like me
But ain't nan you h*es p**sy good like me
但你们充其量也不过是赝品 跟我差远了
P**sy so good his ex wanna still fight me
我如此完美 我的前任还想和我翻云覆雨
Face so pretty b**ches wish they could slice me
那些漂亮脸蛋的**们 想将我千刀万剐
She just mad 'cause he never bought her ice like me
她嫉妒得抓狂 因为她的男朋友可从不会给她买钻石
I cut all my n**gas off but they would still wife me still wife me
尽管我对他们冷若冰霜 但他们依然都想娶我为妻
Rap b**ches tell they team Make 'em like Barbie
Had to come off IG so they can't stalk me
我的社交网站都不更新了 就怕她们模仿我
All they do is copy looks steal music too
她们只知道抄袭我的妆容 翻唱我的歌曲
Want to see what b**ches do when they lose the blue print
我倒是想看看没了抄袭的模板 她们还能做些什么
I mean the pinkprint ho let it sink in
I spoke to Jay the other day he's still the kingpin
几天前我和Jay-Z闲聊 他依然是说唱之王
He's still the only n**ga that I woulda signed to
If I ain't sign to Wayne's perfectly designed crew
如果我没有签进Lil Wayne的Young Money
'Cause we the big 3 don't need a big speech
因为我们就是三巨头 这可不是吹嘘
We made the biggest impact check the spreadsheet
我们的影响力十分巨大 好好查查数据你就会明白
That's Lil Weezy the Barbie and Drizzy Drake
我们就是Lil Weezy Barbie以及Drizzy Drake
N**gas getting more cheese kissy face
I'm a bad b**ch f**k the b**ch uh
B**ch get slick I'ma cut the b**ch
那些爱聊八卦的女孩们 我可不屑与你们为伍
I'm a bad b**ch suck some d**ck okay
我是个坏女孩 我就喜欢尽情缠绵
If that b**ch get slick I'll cut the b**ch
如果一个女孩太油嘴滑舌 那我可得修理她
I'll cut up the b**ch I'll gut the b**ch okay
Had to f**k up the b**ch man f**k the b**ch
早该让她们鸡飞狗跳 该死的**们
Won't shoot her but I will gun butt the b**ch
不能一枪崩了她 拿枪抵着她的脑门总应该可以吧
When we say f**k the b**ch d*ck up the b**ch
She was stuck up so my n**gas stuck up the b**ch
既然她那么孤高自傲 那我的弟兄们就得给她点颜色瞧瞧
Still dragging her so don't pick up the b**ch
我们还没修理完她呢 别想着营救她
Get the combination to the safe drug the b**ch
把法规条例都放进安全柜锁好 先麻醉了那**
Know the whole operation been bugged the b**ch
我 我 我
I'm still fly just bagged a white guy
我照样振翅高飞 我还搞定了一个白人
Ritchie like Guy and I still eat Thai
Guy Ritchie吹嘘着自己有多富有 而我依然吃着廉价美味的泰国菜
Want the Nicki cheat code Come on b**ch nice try
想像我一样过着率性的生活吗 少来 ** 想得美
Let's be real all you b**ches wanna look like me
让我们打开天窗说亮话吧 你们这些**们都想像我这样
Wanna be in demand get booked like me
想要像我一样被全世界需要 档期排得满满的
Wanna run up in the lab and cook like me
But ain't nan you h*es p**sy good like me
但你们充其量也不过是赝品 跟我差远了
P**sy so good his ex wanna still fight me
我如此完美 我的前任还想和我翻云覆雨
Face so pretty b**ches wish they could slice me
那些漂亮脸蛋的**们 想将我千刀万剐
She just mad 'cause he never bought her ice like me
她嫉妒得抓狂 因为她的男朋友可从不会给她买钻石
I cut all my n**gas off but they would still wife me still wife me
尽管我对他们冷若冰霜 但他们依然都想娶我为妻
They would still wife me
They would still wife me
Yup him too he would still wife me
Ahh ha
When it come to stealing flows these birds is fluent
说到剽窃模仿 那些**们可真是擅长
But they stutter when get asked 'bout the queen's influence
但被问到本女王对她们有何影响时 她们又支支吾吾
When it's clear they bite me I'm flattered they like me
若不是被反咬了一口 我还纳闷她们是不是因为爱上了我才这样吞吞吐吐
I don't wanna check b**ches tell 'em wear their Nikes
我可没心情去鉴别哪些是** 让她们都穿好自己的耐克 赶紧走
Barbie tings that's Barbie tings
这就是我的宣言 我就是恶芭比
Big Barbie tings that's Barbie tings
这就是我的宣言 我就是恶芭比
Big Barbie tings that's Barbie tings
这就是我的宣言 我就是恶芭比
Uh Barbie dreamhouse Barbie rings
芭比的梦想豪宅 芭比的时尚钻戒
That's Barbie beach house Barbie Benz
芭比的海滨别墅 芭比的奔驰跑车
Barbie white picket Barbie fence
All tea all shade b**ch all offense
我已准备好下午茶 所有冒犯我的**
If you ever try to confiscate Barbie's ken
I'ma put you in the box where my dollies been
Chop it up and the next stop garbage bin
'Cause you h*es too old to be gossiping
因为你太老土 早就没人在意你
I'm just tryna find out when the new Porsche come in